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Age of Empires IV

Relic Entertainment, World's Edge

Relic Entertainment, World's Edge

Norman Campaign

Age of Empires IV takes players on a journey through the ages as they command influential leaders, build expansive kingdoms, and fight some of the most critical battles of the Middle Ages. At the start of the Norman Campaign — just one of four campaigns available in Age of Empires IV — William of Normandy sets forth on the hard-fought road to conquer England and become its new king. What follows is an epic story of succession, family conflict, anarchy, and rebellion — all with the players in the front seat.

Hundred Years War

Ravaged by years of English raiding, France must gather its might to resist the onslaught. Over the course of a century, this fragile country evolves by virtue of chivalric knighthood, the fierce determination of a peasant girl named Jeanne d’Arc, and the explosive force of cannon fire. During the 100 Years War campaign, players will defend France, turn the tide of war, and forge the foundations of the French nation.

The Mongol Empire

Under the unifying rule of Genghis Khan, warring Mongolian tribes came together and forged the largest contiguous land empire the world has ever known. What the Mongols lacked in resources, they made up for with tactics, martial skills, and adaptation. The Mongol campaign takes players through the thunderous rise of this awe-inspiring empire.

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