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AimBot has been developed to make anyone's aim crispy, whether you’re a brand new PC player or a pro. Build your flicking, tracking, speed, perception, and cognition skills with our detailed aim analytics. Train in custom tasks, create your own training playlists & improve your biases based on feedback you receive after every round. Aim Lab is constantly being updated as we perfect how players can best improve, so our Discord is a great place to talk with our devs and get updates first.

Aim Analysis

Your personal Aim Lab profile breaks down your performance and skills into detailed feedback to help you measure your progress and improvements over time. After each task, you get direct feedback of that run, with visual insights and pointers to help you identify your weaknesses - and eliminate them. We're more than just an FPS aim trainer.

Create unlimited tasks & scenarios in the Creator Studio

If you can dream it, you can build it. Our newly launched Creator Studio Beta lets you create custom maps with insane exterior terrains, hundreds of items and an array of different bots and behaviors with custom pathing. Anything is possible with an infinite amount of scenarios, can’t find a specific task? You can easily build it or search our Workshop to see if it’s been created. We already have popular game maps like Haven, Gulag & Dust II recreated with more to come soon.

Game Sensitivity Converter

Select from over 500+ FPS/TPS games to make sure you match your game sensitivity inside of AimBot. Want to change the game but keep the same sensitivity? Just select another game from the list and it will automatically convert.

Here you can download Aimbot for Free