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JGraph Ltd

The easiest way for Confluence teams to collaborate using diagrams. Collaborate on diagrams and whiteboards in real-time. More installs than all Confluence diagramming apps combined. Best-in-class security.

Everything you need for diagramming on Windows PCs has been specifically designed for Microsoft Windows computers. With this product, you can create simple as well as complicated diagrams on the spot. The tool offers various features, incorporating a wide range of elements, such as basic shapes, arrows, stick figures, etc. While using, you can create simple sketches, professional diagrams, and even customizable flowcharts.


With download, you get access to multiple features that let you create flowcharts, organizational charts, ER diagrams, logos, process diagrams, network diagrams, UML, and more. The tool supports an automatic layout function to create customized libraries. Additionally, you can use a huge selection of shape libraries with hundreds of visual elements. If you want to include some useful information in the diagrams, you’d be glad to know that the tool lets you work with metadata.


The Windows application comes with a visually appealing and simple interface. It doesn’t overwhelm beginners with oversaturated or cluttered visual elements. At the same time, the overall look of the program is attractive and modern. Compared to other tools in this category, is one of the easiest-to-use apps for creating simple as well as complex diagrams.

Here you can download for Free