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SnipIT is an app that you can use to cut and paste text from anywhere on the internet.

Simple function

Using the app is easy. Since it does not have an interface, you can proceed to your browser and search. If you find a part that you want to copy, you only need to highlight it and right-click. You can then choose the SnipIt option from the drop-down menu. Select to snip the text and take you to your email client.

Easy setup

The first thing that users must know is that SnipIT has no interface. With this, you cannot find it on your start menu after installation. Instead, it will go onto your web browser as an extra option when you highlight a text and right-click. Another thing to note is that the app is only an extension to Internet Explorer. You cannot find the extra option on other web browsers.

Lightweight app

SnipIT is a lightweight app that requires low CPU usage. Moreover, it does not affect any other extensions installed on your browser. Since it is only an add-on, this will also not affect your browser, so you can surf without any lag or slow loading speeds unless you have problems with your internet connection.

Here you can download SnipIT for Free