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Stick Nodes

ForTheLoss Games, Inc

Stick Nodes is a powerful stickman animator app created with mobile devices in mind! Inspired from the stickfigure animator community, Stick Nodes allows users to create their own stickfigure-based movies and even export them as animated GIFs and MP4 videos! It is one of the most popular animation apps among young animators!


Automatic customizable frame-tweening, make your animations smoother A simple camera to pan/zoom/rotate around the scene, similar to the "v-cam" in Flash. Movieclips allow you to create and reuse/loop animation objects within your projects. A variety of shapes, color/scale on a per-segment basis, gradients - create any "stickfigure" you can imagine! Textfields allow for easy text and speech in your animations. Add all kinds of sounds effects to make your animations epic.


Stick Nodes has a thriving community where animators have a good time, help each other out, show off their work, and even create stickfigures for others to use! A few of the thousands of animations users have made with this stickfigure animation app! If you're looking for an animation creator or an animation maker app, this is it!

Different skills

Stick Nodes is *the best* simple animation app available on the Android market! It's a great tool for learning animation, even in a school setting for students or newbies. At the same time, Stick Nodes is robust enough and powerful enough for even the most skilled animator to really showcase their skills!

Here you can download Stick Nodes for Free