Spider-Man and the X-Men in Arcade's Revenge

Platform: Gameboy
  • Published name in USA
    Spider-Man and the X-Men in Arcade's Revenge
  • Release date in USA
    February 23, 2025
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Spider-Man and the X-Men in Arcade's Revenge: Review

In this game, you follow the story of Spider-man as he meets the X-men for the first time and battles in virtual worlds designed by Arcade (a Marvel villain).

You begin the game as Spider-man in the real world and a little later have the ability to choose between playing as Spider-man or one of the X-men (Wolverine, Cyclops, Storm and Gambit). Each character has their own level and boss to face and once a level is complete that character is no longer available.

The graphics are quite good for a gameboy game, especially the level design (Wolverine is in a 1950s toyland and Gambit is in a board-game themed level). The music rolls along nicely and gives the game an eerie atmosphere (especially Wolverine's theme).

The controls for a Spider-man game are very nice, however, some of the other character controls are a little hard to get used to. After swinging about as Spider-man, you'll feel handicapped as the X-men.

Overall, the Spider-man portions of the game are 5/5 (I've played a lot of Spider-man games). The X-men levels aren't so impressive and can get frustrating. Well worth playing if you're into Spider-man (or the X-men/Marvel Universe).

Spider-Man and the X-Men in Arcade's Revenge: Screenshots

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