Stellar Assault SS

Platform: Sega Saturn
  • Published name in Japan
    Stellar Assault SS
  • Release date in Japan
    March 31, 1998
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Stellar Assault SS: Review

This a sequel/remake of the Sega 32X game Stellar Assault. Basicly it's a space craft combat game. I liked the original very much. Well the GFX are better (the old one only had nacked polygons, no texture mapping) but I didn't like the new one that much, I miss the big ships that could be put apart piece by piece. Although the replay mode (called trace mode) made it over from the old game, so you can still watch your missions from outside the ship and different angels. Since its Japanese I didn't get any storyline, but I guess it's kinda less important in a space ship flying game :D

Stellar Assault SS: Screenshots

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