Aliens vs. Predator

Platform: Super Nintendo
  • Published name in Japan
    Aliens vs. Predator
  • Release date in Japan
    March 7, 2025
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Aliens vs. Predator: Review

Alien vs. Predator was released in 1993 by Activision for the SNES. It's often mistaken to be a port of the arcade game by the same name, even though that game was released the following year. Story: The story revolves around the very first meeting of the two alien species: the Xenomorphs(or simply Aliens) and the Predators. On a planet named Vega 4, a group of miners uncover some Alien eggs. Soon enough, the humans get overpowered by the creatures, forcing them to send out a distress signal. The signal is picked up by a Predator ship in the area. The Predators land on Vega 4 to hunt down the humans, but what they found was an even better prey. Let the hunt begin... Gameplay: The game is a generic beat 'em up, with the player character being one of the Predators. Your enemies are all kinds of Xenomorphs; Drones, Warriors, Facehuggers and Chestbursters. The game has six levels, each has it's individual boss. The Bosses have different hosts, making them more unique. These are: a shark, a gorilla, a group of humans, a bat and a snake respectively. The last boss is a Queen.

Aliens vs. Predator: Screenshots

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