Dragon Quest 2

Platform: Nintendo Entertainment System
  • Published name in USA
    Dragon Quest 2
  • Release date in USA
    September 1, 1990
  • Published name in Japan
    Dragon Quest 2
  • Release date in Japan
    March 5, 2025
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Dragon Quest 2: Review

Though the time of his deeds has long faded, still the name Erdrick commands respect among even the greatest of warriors. Stories of his lineage are legendary throughout the land and have been retold through the ages in the most remote villages and townships. Long ago a young man, who was a descendent of Erdrick saved the Kingdom of Alefgard by defeating the dreaded Dragonlord. The young man came to this land accompanied by Princess Gwaelin. Together they built TORLAND. This legend has been handed down generation to generation from the ancient time. Princess Gwaelin brought forth three children. To the  eldest prince was given the land of Midenhall. To the youngest prince the land of Cannock became his birthright. The youngest princess was given the land of Moonbrooke. The people of these kingdoms lived in peace for 100 years. One day, however, this peace suddenly came to an end. Hargon the Sorcerer attacked Moonbrooke Castle and attempted to rule the world by calling the ill-omened gods from the dark. Although terrible losses were suffered, one soldier escaped the sacking of Moonbrooke Castle. Though seriously wounded, he made his way to Midenhall Castle to warn the King. The King was old and could not go forth to do battle against Hargon, so he turned to his heir to accept this task. Yes, you are the heir to the King and a true descendent of Erdrick the Great. Before you lies a world of mystery and imagination. You will encounter enemies and riddles which will test your strength and knowledge. Your journey has just begun... Game Manual

Dragon Quest 2: Screenshots

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